Your Venus Retrograde in Leo Relationship Forecast
Venus is currently in the shadow period until she officially retrogrades July 22nd. If you needed a sign to love on yourself harder today (and every day), this is it.
Read on for more insight on what this Venus Retrograde season has in store for you— (based on your current relationship status)
For those of you that have gone or are going through a breakup/separation from a partner — this retrograde energy will be especially powerful for you to utilize when it comes to overhauling your old story around relationships, anchoring yourself in self-love and completely up-leveling how you see + treat yourself.
By the end of this retrograde, if you go through this self-transformation process effectively, you may no longer even resonate with who or what you once were allowing in your external relationships.
This time is about not only rectifying any issues you have been experiencing in your romantic relationships, but also rectifying where you have been neglecting in your relationship with yourself.
Focus on keeping your heart chakra open by remaining open to receiving love in all forms, instead of turning cold. Fill your time with creative endeavors and prioritize pursuing the dreams your future self will someday thank you for.
That’s true self-love.
During this time, you will see just how valuable and magical your love truly is, now that you’ve been reveling in it + re-filling your own cup. You will also understand why you were released from past people, and why that space in your life needed to be cleared. Release what was, and open your arms wide to receive the love that you are.
If you have been single and open to love: get ready to mingle! But with discernment. I always say it’s better to keep it light and keep it cute when dating during Venus Rx and allow things to move at a slower, but steadier pace.
Make the focus of dating FUN! Don’t settle for anything that isn’t exciting or activating your heart space. Travel, play, and immerse yourself in the feeling of pleasure and enjoyment.
Past stories and people may pop up— so if this retrograde brings any dramatics or theatrics, remember your power, remove any access if necessary, and forgive yourself for the times you abandoned or rejected your own needs in the name of another. Forgiveness of self purifies + frees your heart from continuing to hold onto to old traumas and memories.
Return to what you truly crave and what you truly desire to receive in your relationships and stand on that firmly. What you decide in your words, your thoughts, and your actions, is your truth, and is what will become your story. Embody your new essence, up-level your self-concept, and you will see a whole new higher being and reflection come to pass effortlessly.
Once the retrograde period is over, you will have more certainty, trust, and confidence in moving forward with a relationship if you made it through the retrograde while remaining focused on yourself. Patience will serve you well!
If this season is all about pouring into you and you only —get ready to soak it all up. The more you pour into your cup and fill up your schedule with things that light up your world, the more fruit this season will bear in your creative gifts and income!
Wine and dine yourself while you romanticize your daily life, as you deserve to. Adorn your crown, revamp your environment, and start creating new rituals that make you feel good about yourself. The thing is, the more you focus on you, the more the world around you can serve you and cater to your needs. It can feel uncomfortable at first when you are someone that’s used to pouring into everyone around you, but this reversal will actually activate your feminine energy bringing you to more flow and ease, or the “soft life” era.
Harness this power by placing your focus on your manifestations, personal + career goals, and growing your capacity to receive. The universe will be bringing you offerings of all kinds and now you get to choose what excites you, and brings added bonuses to your already fulfilling life.
For my couples, this retrograde will be an exciting time for unions, engagements, marriages, pregnancies, and so on!
There may be challenges that come up to test the core of your relationship, but as long as you remain vigilant and find togetherness through this process, you will both be able to ground in truth, cover each other through every trial and stay rooted in love.
Assess any shakeups you experience from a higher perspective. Some challenges are sent to strengthen your connection, and allow you to emotionally connect even deeper with your person to bring more intimacy, resiliency, and joy in your partnership. For others, these challenges are happening to review this relationship and determine whether this a sustainable connection after-all.
Make space to spend a lot of quality time in each other’s energy with minimal distractions. Go on an adventure + relish in all the love and passion that brought you together! This season will be full of heart-activations and purifications that will be fortifying the auric field around your connection and bringing you both back to respecting, loving, and showing gratitude for each other daily.
Remember the power of the love that you are and the love that you have found in one another.
Love is the highest vibration we can live in for a reason.
Focus on the heart, tune out the noise, and the next level of your commitment will blossom.