Astrology is a tool, not a religion
Throughout my practice as an astrologer, the more I learned about how the energies we are imparted with affect our mental, emotional, and physical states of being, my chart readings became less about the sign and more about the awareness of what that sign’s energy means to that particular individual.
Astrology is, in my opinion, one of the greatest tools for self-awareness and self-actualization but it should never be feared as the end all be all of anything.
We shouldn’t fear challenging transits or seasons, as they are ultimately working through us to bring us the necessary growth and expansion we are seeking.
In order to reach the next level, you have to go through periods of shedding and releasing everything you thought you knew in order to make room for what God is preparing to gift you on the other side of it.
As a Saturnian (Aquarius Rising + Saturn 1st Houser), much of my life has been about learning who I am through Saturn’s influences of discipline, structure, and focusing less on short-term gratification and more on the impact and the legacy I am here to create for the long-term.
It hasn’t always been easy to embrace the challenges, but my awareness of Saturn’s influence is what finally allowed me to release resistance to what was showing up in my reality as a teacher, and to let go of what I knew wasn’t built to last whether it was a relationship, job, or living space.
Awareness —> Actualization.
The more you are aware of who you are and the energies that you have been given, you can use them as gifts to self-actualize that higher version of you that you’ve been seeking.
The less we rely on the external or for the ‘stars to align’ in order to bring us what we want, the more we can harness the power that lies within our inner world and align with the magnitude of our divinity.
You don’t need any permission from the stars to be you, and do everything you feel your meant to.
When you look up at night, realize the stars are looking right back down at you and mirroring everything that you already are.
God created the stars, the moons, and the heavens to serve as reminders of where we come from, and where we will return to.
Anything that you worry or fear isn’t yours, has already been written in your name.