By the grace of the Most High, we made it through another Mercury Retrograde.
This one, to say the least, hit different.
And it seems like the shadow period isn’t letting up either.
So, the question is — how do we cope?
How do we make sense of all the sudden changes in our relationships, or career and friendships?
How do we find our flow, in the midst of all the chaos?
Personally, I like to start with releasing resistance.
Resistance is what creates a lot of unnecessary energetic disturbance in our minds and bodies.
When we resist, we are pushing against the tide which is much like going in the ocean and trying to stop the waves from rolling in.
We don’t have that power.
But what we do have, is the power to release and let go of forcing our way through.
There is no need to force what is already on its way when you are in a state of allowance and receptivity.
Staying open and receptive to what the powers that be are working to shift within your life is what creates the space for new growth, new expansion, and new, higher timelines to take form.
In the meantime, meditation, breath-work, yoga, nature, journaling, painting, planting, screaming into the abyss or whatever you enjoy doing to calm your nervous system and bring you back into your feminine energy is what will help you ride out every bumpy wave, until the hurdles slowly start to dissipate.
It will all make sense soon.
Keep your focus centered on what you CAN control.
Your thoughts, your intentions, your actions, your responses, your choices.
Take every wave as it comes.
And ride ‘em to shore.