2024: The Year You Become Your Power
We’re 30 days into the New Year, and a few weeks into Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius.
How’s it feeling?
Are you feeling that stir in your bones yet?
That eruption from deep within you that’s just about ready to bubble over?
If so, you are right on time.
During the past few sessions I’ve had with all my clients looking to the year ahead one thing has become abundantly clear.
Nothing about any of us is the same.
We are all experiencing a shift in who we are fundamentally and coming to grips with how these changes are also shifting how we will show up for ourselves and our lives this year.
The old approach to things will no longer be enough.
The old model will no longer yield the true, soul fulfillment we are seeking.
And as scary and unfamiliar as this new ground you are breaking may seem, I’m here to remind you that you have already been equipped with everything you will need to make this transition, divinely.
You are the ultralight beam in the darkness of this new dawn.
Your gifts, your creative essence, and presence, is all the solar power that you will need.
When you tune into all the callings, the hunches, and re-directions you are being given and follow them thoroughly, the path will build itself.
Being willing to follow with faith over fear is going to be the quest. But you will see how your soul has already been prepping you these past few years for every step.
I know the journey may seem ominous, but that’s only because in the limitation of our human senses, we tend to perceive the unseen in that way.
As you shift your perception from hoping to knowing, following to leading, resisting to surrendering— it will all become clear.
This is your destiny.
And the Divine will stop at nothing for you to receive it, so neither should you.